The amazingly amazing adventures of a hormonal and awkward teenager.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

New School Year resolutions

I recently started school again and have been busy with homework and all that kinda crap, but I thought I would share my five goals/aspirations for the new school year.

1. Be myself - Except around other people, where I must strive to be cooler than I actually am to avoid potential embarrassment.

2. Read more. By this I do not mean Louise Bagshawe and Jilly Cooper, but intellectual books that will improve my mind and make people think I am actually one of those people who reads books.

3. Dress well. Now that I have reached the upper part of the school I can wear my own clothes - this is very stressful for me (and relates to #1). I must again fool people into thinking I own many fashionable items of clothing and care more about fashion than I actually do.

4. Do homework asap so that it is in on time for once (okay I am already behind on this one BUT I'm working on it.)

5.Blog more! This one is kinda lame, but I feel like I've been neglecting this a bit and you guys have had no idea about my super-duper undertakings! well fear no more for I plan to update you on my magestical life much more often.

I've just realised that all of these require a lot of effort on my part, Ah crap - I can feel this failing already.


  1. I have the same resolutions every beginning of every year.
    I never did any of them correctly T_T

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